University of Tokaj


The process of managing your official matters to stay in hungary


If you want to borrow books from the library, you must become a member. If you want to be a
member, you must register: fill in a membership form and give your personal particulars. Registration
is free for the staff and students of the University of Tokaj
Comenius Könyvtár
3950 Sárospatak, Eötvös u. 7.


The 4-storey dormitory building is part of the university’ main building. International students are
offered double rooms with shared bathroom. The rooms are equppied with basic furniture and have
access to kitchen facilities, gym and student lounge with TV. The avaibality of rooms is limited. The
monthly cost of the dormitory is 9.000 HUF/person. (ca 25 EUR)
The cost of living in Sárospatak is lower than in the capital of the country.

Coordinator of the Dormitory
Máté Mokri
Tel.: +36 47/513-000/2807

Dezső Lajos Kollégium
Eötvös u. 7. sz.


The Hungarian Forint is the national currency of Hungary. 1EUR is around 360 Ft, it depends on the rates.

General semester duration in Hungary:

First/Winter/Autumn semester: 1st September – 31 January
Second/Summer/Spring semester: 1st February – 30th June
Holiday season: 1st July – 31st August

National Holidays:

1st January – New Year’s Day
15th March – Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution’s outbreak of 1848
Easter – Usually in March or April from Good Friday through Easter Monday.
Pentecost Monday – 50 days after Easter. Usually in May or June.
1st May – Labour Day
20th August – Saint Stephen’s Day (founder of the Hungarian state)
23rd October – National Day in memory of the 1956 revolution
1st November – All Saints’ Day
25-26th December – 1st and 2nd day of Christmas