Guest teaching at University of Sucha Beskidzka
In the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, I participated in a five-day guest education at the Polish Wyższa Szkoła Turystyki i Ekologii institution in Sucha Beskidzka.
The purpose of the foreign mobility was education, cooperation between the two universities, and student motivation for the University of Tokaj. On behalf of the host institution, Rector Maria Grzechynka, as well as teaching colleagues and several members of the senate welcomed me. During the meeting, we discussed the purpose of the mobility, the research topics and specified the dates of the education. I gave a lecture to the second-year students on the topics of village tourism, Tokaj-Hegyalja wine tourism and Jewish religious tourism. An university colleague guided me through the sights of the city. At the end of the guest education, the Rector thanked me for my work and handed over a certificate for the lessons. We welcome students from Poland at our university and we have agreed to prepare joint research projects with colleagues. I thank the University of Tokaj for allowing me to participate in the guest education in Poland.
Nikolett Drotár Rozgonyi